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H. Hoornaert Scheepswerf De Schroef (2023)



Chestnut acted as financial advisor to Hoornaert


H. Hoornaert Scheepswerf De Schroef (HHSW) is located in Sas van Gent along the busy shipping route of the Ghent-Terneuzen canal. The shipyard provides various services for seagoing and inland vessels up to a length of 162 meters, including repair, conversion, outfitting and new construction. The facilities (including two dry docks and a slipway) are fully equipped to perform work above AND below the waterline.

Chestnut assisted and advised (both strategically and financially) HHSW in realizing an asset/liability transaction, resulting in the sale of HHSW to Norden Shipyard, part of Hicri Ercili, a major player in the shipping market.

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